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Cleaning for Ducati clutch and its components. Developed by the German prestige brand, Variac by LOCTITE. Also efficient on gear boxes. 650 ml.
STM secundary spring for Ducati dry clutch allow exerting a higher load on the clutch anti-hop part. Ø85mm and 30KG Charge. The higher the chosen spring load, the less will be the anti-hop function, thus leading to an increase of the enfine brake when downshifting. In the other side, lower loads will lead to the opposite effect.
Revolutionary patented slipper clutch. Maximum control with minimum wear. It can be installed on any model with wet clutch and is totally compatible with original discs.
Ducatis anti-Ricochet covering STM clutch with clutch in oil bath. Improve the behavior of your motorcycle under the conditions of use more demanding with this high quality product.