High efficiency air filter, Racing filters and high performance air filters for Ducati SCRAMBLER 400-800 from the best brands in the world of Superbike chosen by Carbon4us specifically for your Ducati.
High efficiency air filter, Racing filters and high performance air filters for Ducati SCRAMBLER 400-800 from the best brands in the world of Superbike chosen by Carbon4us specifically for your Ducati.
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Twin Air cleaning bucket for Ducati air filters. The definitive and ecological solution to renew air filters. As easy as filling the drum with any recommended liquid to clean the filters, close the lid tightly and shake. No stains, no losses, no pollution, An easy procces that will return years of youth to your filters.
Muc-off cleaner for Ducati Air Filters. Removes oil and dir gently, quickly and easily thanks to its extremely safe water-based formula on foam and glue. Solvent free and rapidly biodegradable.
Red foam for the air filter of your Ducati. Easily cuttable allows you to repair or design your own air filter with the measurements you need. Thanks to its filtering capacity, you will not notice a difference with the standard filter. Measurements: 280x330x15mm
BMC liquid lubricant for Ducati air filters. BMC filters are washable and it is recommended to wash them every 25.000km or so to maintain optimal performances. Cleaning products are specifically designed for this purpose. 250ml
BMC liquid washer for Ducati air filters. BMC filters are washable and it is recommended to wash them every 25.000km or so to maintain optimal performances. Cleaning products are specifically designed for this purpose. 500ml
Muc-off lubricating oil for Ducati Air filters. Low viscosity non-chlorinated formula to imporve efficiency and increase longevity of air filters and engine. Prevent dust, dirt and water from entering the motor!
K&N Complete and BIO-degradable kit for cleaning and maintenance of all types of air filters. From the prestigious brand in air filters K&N for your Ducati. 335ml
Complete and BIO-degradable kit for cleaning and maintenance of all types of air filters. From the prestigious brand in air filters MWR for your Ducati. 250ml
Ducati Carbon4us Racing Sport racing air filter. Designed to get the most out of every feature of your Ducati on the track. Allows greater air intake and better combustion.
High efficiency filter, washable and guaranteed. Pipercross has been manufacturing air filters of high-performance sport bikes and domestic market about 25 years. Air filters Pipercross Performance helped a lot of race teams in winning european and world shampionships.
MWR Racing air filter for Ducati Scrambler and Monster 797. It maximizes the air flow allowing to optimize performance. Improves the performance of your motorcycle to the highest level. Especially recommended when changing the exhaust.
Ducati Performance racing air filter. Designed to get the most out of every feature of your Ducati on the track. Allows greater air intake and better combustion.
Sprint Filter is a standard performance, street legal and ideal for giving your best on the track. Made of P08 polyester fabric with a wire diameter of just 70 microns. The best option for your Ducati. Compatible with various models. SKU: CM61S
Air filter of high efficiency from the prestige brand, K&N, Ducati SBK provider, with the highest technology in the world as regards engine for your Ducati. Fully guaranteed for life. No need for oil maintenance, only cleaning and oil drying. The best filter on the market currently.
Power up air filter for Ducati Scrambler all versions with a higher air intake capacity than the traditional filter, modificicacion of the original airbox to get the maximum power on your Ducati.
The P08 air filter developed by the prestigious brand Sprint Filter has been tested to deliver improved airflow and filtration for your Ducati. With a special polyester fabric, it boosts your bike's power and requires minimal maintenance. Get yours now and elevate your riding experience!